
Use good, simple design principles to direct folks to the content you deem most important. It's like Follow the Leader, and you're in charge!

Green Arrow

Follow the Leader

  • Mar 26, 2024
  • By Marie J. Liebetrau, President, Potomac Digitek

We're going through a ton of new website development here and one thing is true for every organization ... following good, simple design principles allows you to guide folks around your website. You get to decide what's most important and carve the path for them to follow.

See this graphic for a great representation of this principle in action.


It's like playing "Follow The Leader" in elementary school. And you're the leader!

The next steps are simple. Figure out what content is most important to the organization at this time (pick the Top 3 to start) and work with your website partner to incorporate some tried-and-true design principles. You'll be setting up a clear path to the most important content.

Bonus! Once you've set this up once, it's very easy to update it when priorities change.

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